Wednesday 17 December 2014

Character Developments

Character Development

Detective Hugh Green:

- Long brown overcoat
 - Rough shaven (stubble)or mustache
- Formal shirt, open collar, white
- Smartly dressed
- Quite muscular
- Intelligen, very aware and alert about his surroundings
- Passionate about his job and the case he is working on
- Quite serious
- Bit older than the other detectives, (showing his experience in the force)

Jack Matthews (Dead colleague)

- White shirt, sleeves rolled up
- Tie
- Stubble
- Quite
- Bit of a joker, very playful about his job and cases
- Still quite passionate about his job even if he makes jokes
- Receives a lot of positive attention for his completion of cases
- Makes a lot of others jealous from what he has
- Persistent and will take any case called for himself

- Formal suit,
- long overcoat, mystery
- clean shaven face
- Relaxed about everything
- cunning
- sly
- Trickster ( Very deceiving can trick others into doing things for him
- Intelligent
- envy
- quite young

Published: 17/12/2014
Technology: Blogger

100 word synopsis

Published: 17/12/2014
Technology: Scan

25 word summary

The death of a fellow colleague results in a the 3 year search for the missing link. Little does he know the killer is right in-front of him.

Distribution company: Vertigo films

Our chosen Distribution company: Vertigo films

Vertigo films is a UK film and distribution company founded in 2002.

       Previous films ;

  • Sweeney
  • Point blank
  • Street dance 1 and 2 
  • outlaw
  • Horrid Henry the movie 
  • Walking on sunshine
         Previous Thrillers:
  • Point blank
  • Shrooms
  • Monsters
  • Shotgun stories
  • The children
Our group has chosen Vertigo Films as our distribution company. They are responsible for displaying low budget movies set in Britain. They are also a independent company  which will work well with our choice of thriller genre. The company is British which will benefit us as it will link in to our choice for using British actors and settings in the opening sequence allowing our audience  to easily relate to both the characters and the situation.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Opening Sequence Analysis: Kill Bill vol.1

Although Kill Bill is more of an action film, it's opening sequence is more of a thriller. Very little action goes on and the events are very mysterious.

The sequence begins with a quote. Indicates the genre of the film and suggests what it might be about.

The production ident. No fancy animation, just a fade in and out from black. Sets a serious tone to the following scene. During the black out (before the scene starts ) deep breathing and panting breaks the silence and creating tension from the wonder and confusion as to what is happening.
Straight into the action with a black and white close up of the main character. It clearly shows her pain and emotion creating empathy from the audience towards her.
 The voice of a man speaks to her. His identity is not clearly shown throughout the sequence. Adding to the sense of mystery created.

A close-up cut to boots walking. His identity still remains hidden to the audience. The only things we know about him is his voice, what kind of clothes he might be wearing (a suit due to the smart leather shoes) and that he probably caused the whole event to happen.

He appears to be caring and starts to help her. He uses his personalized napkin to remove the blood of her face. Suggests a close relationship between the two characters.
Out of the frame you can hear him fiddle around with a metallic object and out of the blue he shoots her in the head. We never see the gun but its clear through his dialogue and his reaction to her that he caused her pain and ended her life.
Title sequence. Still in black and white in the center of the scene. The gun shot still echoing in the previous silence, exaggerating what the audience had just witnessed.

A single shot of character's silhouette. Makes the audience argue about whether she's still alive or not.

The whole opening sequence is very basic but at the same time its very effective at drawing in the audience. There is only 3 shots in the opening (the girl, his shoes and the silhouette). On its own the scene would be rather dry and boring but combined with the dialogue it intrigues the audience and makes them what to see more.

Published: 16/12/2014
Technology: Blogger

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Opening Sequence analysis: Wallander

What we learn
From the clip we find out that two young girls have murdered a taxi driver. The detectives then show up, get involved and question the two girls. None of them co-operate.

The Mise-en-scene displays a lot of useful information, such as the setting.The sequence is partially set in a rural countryside where the establishing shot shows no other form of life apart from the two girls walking away from the crime scene. As a result it poses many questions such as why they did it and why there was a taxi in the middle of nowhere.

The sound is very important within the opening sequence. As soon as the clip starts there is a low pitched airy non-diegetic score. This sets the mood for the whole series and starts to increase the tension right from the start. Combining this with the rural environment of the set is a juxtaposition as you would not suspect the countryside to be a place of crime and danger which is indicated by the score. The score stops completely as the establishing shot cuts to a mid shot of the girls walking away, implying that the two girls were involved.

Editing is used to draw suspicion to two specific characters creating their guilt and giving the audience a negative view towards them. The cross cutting first showed the backs of the the tow girls which appeared rather normal and then the dead body (and other blood covered props) within the taxi.The cross cutting is constant and focuses all are attention on  the crime they have appeared to commit.

Camera work
Multiply extreme close ups have been used to show visually what has happened and reveal a few things about the dead man. The extreme close up of the twitching hand tells us it just happened. The close up of the locket shows he had a family and makes us fell empathy for them whilst angry towards the murders.

Questions asked
Why did they do it?
Why are they there?
What is their relationship?
What did the lady mean?

Published: 10/12/2014
Technology: Blogger

Opening Sequence Analysis: The Sixth Sense

 Published: 10/12/2014 
Technology: Presi

Thursday 4 December 2014


We were asked to make a mood board based on things we liked the look of and found visually attractive. Here is mine;

Published: 4/12/2014
Technology: Photoshop

The Brief

Published; 4/12/2014
Technology: Photoshop

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Opening Sequence Analysis

Published: 2/12/2014                                                                                                                                                                                   Technology: Presi
Published: 2/12/2014 Technology: Presi

Preliminary Project

This is my groups Preliminary project. 

with Tom and Alex acting and me filming.


Hello. My name is Matthew Tizzard and I am 16 years old. This blog has been created to document my work for my subject, AS Media studies. I am studying Media as it is relevant to the area I want to work in the future and because it intrigues me. I find it fascinating how media is all around us but is usually unappreciated and noticed by its audience.