Tuesday 27 January 2015

Filming Schedule



  • Filming on 3/2/14 postponed due to unexpected weather conditions. The filming will instead take place on the 5/2/14.

  • Filming yet again cancelled due to the wet weather. However the filming of the close-ups can proceed. Filming of the alley postponed to the 8/2/14.

Monday 26 January 2015

Opening Sequence Location Ideas

 For our opening i thought that this alleyway would be good position to film it. Firstly it fits into our setting displayed in the storyboards, it's dirty, rundown and is a dead end, both for the alley and the victim.

The alley is also secluded meaning we're less likely to be distracted by members of the public whilst recording.

The set also comes with its own props! meaning less effort on our part. Of course we would still need to add a few more, such as the tape. On the downside it is unclean and could potentially requires a further investigation of the set as well a clean up.

The whereabouts of the alley is close to rose hill roundabout, by a block of flats.


 I found a alley way near a local high school so it is in a safer area. it also has many angles allowing us to have many creative shots with angles and extreme close-ups.

 The actual alleyway itself is tidy and clear from any harm of objects that could be dangerous. This also gives us more space to lay our props in specifically places of the alleyway because of the amount of space given.

The Background of the shots are suburbia which fits into the sketches of the storyboard. it is also near a local park with a clear field so the 'victim' is able to be followed like in our storyboard.

For our opening title sequence we have taken the idea of our crime scene to take place in an ally. Therefore, in order to prepare for our filming we had to establish specific locations that we were interested to film in and also set our storyline that would be appealing to the audience keeping them interested and one that also fitted the thriller genre. Taking into consideration the British market that our independent film our aiming towards, we used a local location in Carshalton. The local setting also is supported by our feedback from our survey that we completed with results identifying that viewers preferred to see a local setting for a thriller compared to an extravagant one.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Props list


Background Music and Sound Effects

I choose this as a draft or starting point for background music as it is calming however it still builds tension slowly for the audience by the use of the piano. I also think that we could are able to put sound effects over the backing track because the music itself is not over developed and complex so it wont be too manic like of an opening sequence if the sound effects were put over the piano.

I have chosen this as it sounds as more of realistic Gun shot rather than the actual hand gun sound effects it also has a steady continuous after effect of the shot which makes it more dramatic and i would like to put it in the first 30 seconds of the opening sequence before the audience is first visually introduced to the opening sequence. 

Titles and Credits

The titles and credits are the most important and necessary parts of a film or show, so it's important to get it right with the least important names leading up to the the most important.

Costume List

Casting Shot for role of Huge Green


Actor: Mr Smiles

Character: The protagonist - Hugh Green

I was chosen to be the protagonist Huge Green due to my previous experience in acting. My appearance is perfect for the role and I would rather be in front of the camera instead of behind.

Font Research

Using the word Hamburgevons to show of the typography of each font, I searched for possible fonts to use for the main title as well as the headings. As we have not come up with our Main title, it's difficult to tell which one would work for our opening sequence. How ever I feel that a messy, rugged font such as "True Lies" would look great for the Main title . It shows aspects of mystery mixed in with horror. It's dramatic and bold as well as strange. For the headings I thought a type writer font (Like "times new yorker")would work great as it would relate to our theme of detectives and their cases.

Title Ideas

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Animatic Reviews

After watching our animatic, other groups evaluated it and gave us feed back
The main things that we have to work on is:
  • The sound track
  • The timing being too long

Personally I feel like our animatic is very well put together. The whole thing is above 2 minutes which means we don't have to worry about it being too short. The sound fits in with the storyboard.
The artwork for the storyboard is well designed using tones and angles to create depth within. However I worry that it might be a bit too random which might confuse the audience as to what the opening is all about. I believe we need to re-think how the opening runs.


Target Audience Research

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Target Audience Research - Survey Monkey

This data allows us to base our protagonists personality, character and appearance around our data recorded by survey monkey. Majority of people said that he would beat the antagonist and a strong minded male. Another popular aspect of a protagonist would be heroic. Our group are using the data and re-developing our protagonist to a more younger male who has a strong mind and body to complete the situations in hand. We also had a response that said ‘Cares about those around him’. This could be used however I believe this could become into the conventions of action-adventure. 

The data given to us shows that the antagonist should be a foreign male who is from a stereotypical ‘evil’ country. Our research also said that he should have characteristics of him being sly and cunning. As a group decided these were the best responses form our feedback and have chosen these specific feedback to develop our antagonist.

In our survey we asked the gender of our audience, the majority was male, indicating we will most likely aim our film towards the male gender.

  In our survey we asked the age group of our audience, the majority who responded were under 18 and so we will be aiming our film at around that age group.

 Within our survey we asked the question of what conventions people expected to see when watching a Thriller film - gaining a wide range of results. The main answers involved adding suspense and mystery to the atmosphere. Therefor my group and I will focus on this within the opening sequence to allow the film to begin by drawing in the audiences attention and making them feel on edge and unnerved. Another common result was having detectives/cops as characters which supports the character ideas that my group and I held. Lastly, a good plot twist was also a common answer meaning that my group and I must include a well thought out and gripping narrative that incorporate a shocking twist to keep the audience entertained and the film inline with the genre of Thriller.

We asked the people taking part in our survey whether or not they found it important to share a relation with the main character of the film. The biggest response was ‘yes’ with 54.55%. Because of this result my group and I will try to incorporate likeable and also common personality traits into our main character allowing the audience to feel a bond resulting in them wanting to see the character succeed.

 We asked the audience what they thought about violence in films, there were mixed reactions but most said that it can be good to an extent and if used creatively, this had made us think about the amount of violence we should show in our extract and if it is needed.


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Production Ident Making

For our production ident our group split of into pairs and made a variety of designs for two potential production companies. In the end we went with 'puncture productions' for our company.  The winning design was then produced into Photoshop. Using images from the internet and different tools from Photoshop (such as the magic wand). We got the font for our design from Dafont using screen grabs and changed their size and background within Photoshop .We split our design into three separate images so that we could create the animation for the indent in adobe premier pro.

Within premier pro we used key frames to make transitions for each image. We played around - trying new ideas to showcase our design. Eventually we agreed on making the bullet pierce the font with the font afterwards breaking apart, revealing 'productions.

After the motion was finished, we then focused on the sound. The idea was to add a gunshot for the bullet whilst having a low pitched boom for the aftereffect. We decided on a sound effect from lost to fill that place.

The overall production ident came out successful.

Production Ident

Friday 2 January 2015

Presentation Feedback

During are planing phase we were asked to present what we currently have for our production. Afterwards we were given feedback about are ideas.

The feedback was useful. It showed of the weaker areas to our plot and also offered us new ideas to fix it.

For example; many people asked about the death of the colleague, whether his death would be seen, how and why he would die.

At the end of our group discussion we agreed that we would not show his death so to make the opening easier to make on our low budget. We also decided to change the protagonist name from 'Hugh Green' to something more realistic and modern.

Published: 2/1/2015
Technology: Blogger