Wednesday 25 March 2015

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

Research and Planing:
(Red = Brand New)

During the research and planning phase of the sequence we used:
  • Blogger
  • Powerpoint
  • Piktochart
  • Emaze
  • Photoshop 
  • Presi
  • Mac PC
  • Premier pro (For the animatics)
  • Youtube
  • Sound Cloud
 They allowed us to visually see others ideas as well as our own, allowing us to shape and mold what we were planing and thinking about around them. The programs: blogger, powerpoint, piktochart emaze and Photoshop were great pieces of software to use. Not only were they free but they provide beautiful looking templates which were easy to use, develop and conform to what we want. They were an excellent way of displaying information in a neat and fancy way. The extra  time and effort that went into producing them was well worth the effort. We used YouTube and sound cloud to find sound and music for the opening, using software like clip converter to change it to the right format available for the later stage of editing.


Whilst we were filming we used:
  • DLSR Camera
  • Tripod
  • Green Screen (for the titles)
  • LED lights
                For Props for filming
    • Mac PC Camera
    • Photoshop
    • Printer
 They've allowed us to make high quality pieces of work, whether it is for the actual footage for the opening sequence or if it's for the main Titles. The footage needed to be thought of before hand hand rather than at the present time of recording. But that didn't stop us from trying different shots we thought would look good at the time. We also had to be careful with the actual equipment. If the shot was blurry or out of focused that clip was practically useless. The green screen was a very new concept for me. I had never used it before but knew the basics of what it did, just not how. We used the green screen to make it easier to turn ourselves into moving silhouettes on a background of our choice. Using the footage as well as photoshop and after effects we made the titles.


After filming to improve the clips we used;

  • Photoshop
  • After Effects
  • Premier Pro
  • Audition
They have made improving the sequence much much easier. Premier Pro is where the who of our work came together. I had never used it before. At first it looked complicated, in some ways it still does but i feel that I have learnt alot about cutting the footage, adding effects, adding movement to objects. After effects was also new and again was difficult. However once you knew what to do it only took a couple of minutes to produce the silhouettes  for the titles. It was a very creative idea which honestly i didn't think would work or look good but in the end it was all worth it. Audition, I had no idea it even existed. Despite that it fixed a problem we were having with the audio, making the sound file more distorted like a telephone. When it came down to Photoshop i had the most experience within the group. I made the backgrounds for the Titles, the pictures for the production ident, the Polaroid and the two main title designs which were unfortunately never used in the final cut as they didn't fit in with the rest of clip. 

The only things we had to repeat was the title design which didn't portray the mood the opening was creating. I made two designs but in the end we used standard text with police lights flashing in the corners. I was rather disappoint but it was necessary.  

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